Friday, January 16

Field Trip

We will be going to MOSH (Museum of Science and History on Tuesday, February 24. Permission slips will be sent home on Tuesday and MUST be returned no later than Thursday, February 5. We must submit the money and final counts by this date in order to keep our reservation. All of the Loretto first grade will be visiting the museum on the 24th. The total cost of the trip will be $8.25 ($5 for admission and $3.25 for transportation).
We will leave Loretto around 9:15 and return by 2:00. We will be eating lunch at a nearby park (weather permitting), so it is important to send your child with a sack lunch on February 24. We will be allowed to have 3 chaperones accompany us on the field trip. I will collect all interested names and put them in a "hat". I will draw a name by January 30 and send paperwork home for the chaperones to complete. They will also have to have money and forms returned by February 5. The cost for chaperones to attend is just admission, $5.
Contact me with any questions or concerns and PLEASE return money and forms as soon as possible.

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